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UCC Talks Marijuana

Upcountry Community Council met Monday night, holding part two on its forum regarding marijuana and its legalization.

After its panel of mostly law enforcement officers last month, UCC invited a different diverse group of knowledgeable professionals to discuss the issue of marijuana and its legalization for medical and recreational use. Included were doctors, a public health official, a rehab facility worker and even a UC Davis professor.

The group provided much enlightening information to meeting attendees, with much of the discussion and questions geared toward health benefits and consequences of marijuana use, and the lack of scientific research available on the topic.

There was plenty of time for audience questions as well, leading the overall panel to continue a lively discussion for more than an hour and a half.

Meeting attendees also heard from their district supervisor and the Amador Fire Protection District.

One notable report came from Rich Farrington of AWA, who noted that the upcountry fire protection would be improved upon the completion of a new pipeline project on Buckhorn Ridge Road, which will improve water pressure to fire hydrants in the area.

The Upcountry Community Council meets the second Monday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Pioneer Community Veterans Hall, 25100 Buckhorn Ridge Road, in Pioneer. All Upcountry residents are encouraged to attend. More information is available at uccamador.org.
