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Marijuana Fed Pigs

Marijuana Fed Pigs

The Marijuana-pig experiment

Farmers in Washington say that marijuana feeds help their pigs grow faster and bigger. While the State is almost embarking on an extraordinary market for marijuana, cannabis growers in Washington have come up with an alternative option to the excess roots, leaves, and stems of the cannabis. One of the farmers, Susannah Gross, who owns a five-acre farm in Seattle, joined the group experimenting with the solution of transforming marijuana into an appetite-enhancing product for pigs.

Four pigs were fed with supplemented potent leaves from the cannabis plant. After four months, the pigs gained twenty to thirty pounds than half-dozen other animals not subjected to the same feeds.

Utilizing Marijuana Waste

For most marijuana growers, excess marijuana left-overs including roots, stems, and branches are substances they have to handle appropriately. Susannah Gross, along with other farmers in Seattle, have derived means for utilizing the unwanted marijuana leftovers. The group hoped that the pigs would experience the same feeling people on marijuana feel when consuming cannabis.

Like most mammals, pigs possess the endocannabinoid system. In humans, the cannabis ingredient adheres to the endocannabinoid, enhancing their appetite. This effect has been the main reason for encouraging the use of marijuana for medicinal purpose. With that in mind, the farmers in Seattle hoped the effect of marijuana on endocannabinoid would also be the same when their pigs were fed on marijuana waste.

Why feed on pot-pigs?

Pot-pigs are sold in butchers to different kinds of customers. This kind of meat is not only purchased by stoners and hippies but also clients who love the idea of pork. Today, most customers are sophisticated to realize that pot-pigs have a lot to do with sustainability and local farming practices than the mere thought of getting stoned. For most farmers, the practice of utilizing marijuana waste feeds is driven by the idea of responsible farming and sustainability. It is much more reasonable to consume pork from a pig raised on marijuana and vodka grains than one raised on hormones and antibiotics.  The good thing about marijuana waste is that it gives farmers a means of growing their livestock without utilizing antibiotics or hormones. According to those who have consumed pork from pigs raised on marijuana, the meat is sweeter and savory compared to other pork. Therefore, one would readily agree that it is healthier and more sensible to raise pigs on marijuana waste than any other product due to the idea of sustainability.

What this means

As a result of the successes experienced in utilizing marijuana feeds on pigs, the farmers of other domestic animals such as poultry and cattle can turn to sustainable means of farming such as the use of marijuana instead of hormones. Sustainable farming such as this has been shown to add savory flavors to meat and has helped in creating healthier and strong livestock. Although the grass-fed beef has always tasted better, people never knew that marijuana was capable of causing the same (or even better) effect on livestock and poultry.

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