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Philippines Deadly Drug War Shifts to Target Large Networks

Philippines Deadly Drug War Shifts to Target Large Networks

President Duterte Continues Deadly Drug War

Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said in a speech last week that the country will start targeting big fish as opposed to street level dealers for his war on drugs. The Hitleresque dictator has committed horrible crimes against his citizens and is believed to have murdered between 3,900 and 7000 people since 2016.

The killings were part of Duterte’s war on drugs where anyone suspected to be a drug dealer was executed. Human rights groups have reported that the Philippine National Police are directly responsible for 2,555 of the deaths, of which the majority were poor. They say that the police are making false reports and planting evidence on suspects to justify the killings, despite Duterte telling his election victory audience of more than 300,000 people “If I make it to the presidential palace I will do just what I did as mayor. You drug pushers, holdup men, and do-nothings, you better get out because I’ll kill you.” Duterte says that they will now go after the elite in his war on drugs. The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency will now be in charge of cracking down on drug lords and distributors.

Several countries have asked in an open letter for the CEO of Apple Inc. Tim Cook to discontinue apps for mobile games that glorify the drug war in the Philippines. They are also demanding an apology for giving a platform to glorify crimes against humanity. One game that is glorifying the tragedy is called Duterte Knows Kung Fu. The letter also states that “In virtual reality these games may seem harmless and fun, but when they are placed within the context of existing realities, of real murders of people and the impunity of law enforcement, then these games become offensive and distasteful.” At least 131 non-governmental organizations worldwide were involved with the letter to Apple Inc. There are also 39 members of the United Nations that are also declaring the executions in the Philippines war crimes.


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