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Trump sets off mockery after his ‘Unpresidented’ tweet on China


US President-elect Donald Trump got a lot of flack after he sent out a tweet bashing China for its seizure of an unmanned US naval probe.

Trump wrote, “China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters — rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented (sic) act.”

This noble tweet quickly went south for Trump as online wags trolled him for misspelling the word ‘Unpresidented.’

“Harry Potter” author JK Rowling responded by asking Trump to spell check “Unpresidentedly”.

Next was dictionary Merriam-Webster who tweeted.

“The #WordOfTheDay is… not ‘unpresidented’. We don’t enter that word. That’s a new one,” it tweeted.

Trump saved himself some blushes after he replaced the tweet with another one, correctly using the word “unprecedented.”

Although many people made fun of Trump, his supporters were quick to defend him, saying that everyone was losing sight of the bigger issue.

Donald Trump was referring to an unmanned US naval probe that was recently taken by China amid rising tensions between the two major powers.

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