Featured, Medical Marijuana

Wisconsin Representatives Cultivate Medical Marijuana Tour in Support of Legislation

Wisconsin Representatives Cultivate Medical Marijuana Tour in Support of Legislation

Two politicians from the Badger State are taking their legislative efforts to legalize medical marijuana on a statewide tour.

Wisconsin State Representative Chris Taylor and State Senator Jon Erpenbach are frustrated with the political quagmire that has hindered their legislative efforts to advance medical marijuana for the benefit of their constituents.

Held in political limbo in both chambers, Senate Bill 38 and Assembly Bill 75 have hit a political wall since their introduction in February.

The medical marijuana companion bills authored by Rep. Taylor and Sen. Erpenbach are intended to protect their constituents from unjust prosecution, according to the Wisconsin Gazette.

“The Democratic lawmakers say the bills are tightly crafted and will end the practice of criminalizing patients trying to obtain a medicine that works for them.”

Currently, in the state of Wisconsin, marijuana is considered a Schedule 1 hallucinogenic under the state’s Uniform Controlled Substance Act. As such, a first offense is considered a misdemeanor infraction that’s punishable by a fine of no more than $1,000 and/or incarceration for up to 3.5 years.

While Wisconsin’s legislative efforts to address real medical marijuana were initially rolled out at the beginning of the year, “both Taylor and Erpenbach say politics have kept the bills from receiving even a legislative public hearing in either chamber.”

Not entirely tone deaf to the needs of his constituents, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed a bill into law in April that legalizes the use of non-psychoactive marijuana extracts to treat seizures.

Continuing to fight for the rights of Wisconsin’s voters to enjoy unfettered access to real medicinal cannabis, State Rep. Taylor and State Sen. Erpenbach have embraced the Badger State motto, “FORWARD.”

For their Wisconsin road trip, Taylor and Erpenbach will be joined by “community advocates affected by Wisconsin’s limit on the use of medical marijuana.”
